The Two Sides of the Coin


The Left/Right Split, which has come to dominate all facets of our political and social discourse, was created by a reactionary movement shortly after the American Revolutionary War.

The goal of this project is to expose the regressive nature of our partisan ideologies and to suggest that the best path forward for our nation does not lie with the partisan left or partisan right but the the ideas that the partisans have rejected.

To develop my thesis I need to give name to the two branches of thought I wish to compare.

The first great challenge for my endeavor is that the US Founders lived before the age of modern ideology. The US Founders did not give this nation a named ideology. They simply gave us a Constitutionally Limited form of government and started a discussion about liberty.

The second challenge is that the names given to modern ideologies tend to change with fashion and the names used are too numerous to count. In order to develop my thesis, I need to stipuate definitions, which I do as follows:

The US Founders had a liberal arts education founded on classical logic and steeped in Christian ethics. The Founders applied classical logic to the question of liberty. They created a system with a Constitutionally limited government and a relatively free people.

I like to call the application of classic logic to the question of liberty "classical liberalism."

In philosophy, the term "modern" refers to various ideologies that followed Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Thinkers in the modern tradition often sought the creation of new thought systems which are sometimes referred to as "dialectics." For reasons that I hope will become clear, I will call the core thinking behind the left and right as "partisan dialectics."

To understand the development of the ideologies in the English speaking world, it is important to understand that the Kings of England in the 1700s were German.

The Hanoverian Kings were from Hanover in Germany. King George I (who ruled Britain from 1714 to 1727 is purported