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A Rusty Web Listener

I coded my way ...

A Web Listener with Rust

This page will catalog an attempt to create a web server with Rust. This coding diary will detail the fiasco.

I recently worked through the Official Rust Tutorial

Rust is a computer programming language developed by Mozilla for upgrading the Firefox web browser. The original browser maded extensive use of the "class" structure used in C++. Rust replaces much of this class based code with functional code.

I believe that functional programming is the best paradigme for web based programming. Consider a humble web page. The URL identifies the location and name of the program. The call to the page includes parameters either as part of the URL (aka a GET) or embedded in the HTTP request (aka POST). The web page returns HTML to the browser and some data to a database.

A web page is best expressed as a function, not as an object.

A Mixed Paradigm

The Wikipedia article on Rust say that it is a mixed paradigm language. While I hold that web pages are best recognized as functions, the web server itself is presented as a traditional structure that calls functions.

I will develop the core web server that calls functions. I will not be following Rust coding standards and will not publish the code on crates. For that matter, I will compile the code with rustc and not cargo.

I will provide the history of this programming fiasco in a coding diary which will include links to the code as I write the code. I will provide updates on

I have to come up with a name. This web site has the url I think I will call the program "ysrv".

Kevin Delaney  -- Proof of Brain -- Utah Color