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HIVE-Engine Buy and Burn

Buying and Burning HE Coins.

HIVE Engine Buy n Burn

I created the HIVE account @buynburn with the goal of buying and burning Hive-Engine Tokens. The account will trade coins on HIVE Engine. I will report a summary of transactions on this page. I am still working on the page so, I am not sure exactly what it will show.

I wanted to get the program rolling. I received 0.002 HIVE from messages. I swapped this for 0.001 SWAP.HIVE and placed an order for 100,000 TIX at 0.00000001. I bought 301 coins. I then burned 300.

DateTokenBurnedHIVE ValueUSD Value
2023/04/10 TIX 300 0.000 0.00
2023/04/14 CENT 511 1.800 0.79
2023/04/17 TIX 1,178 0.000 0.00
2023/04/17 FOODIE 752 0.094 0.04
2023/04/23 CCC 1,739 0.713 0.29
2023/04/24 PAY 10,638 0.001 0.00
2023/04/24 CENT 103 0.327 0.13
2023/04/28 MEME 1,104 0.141 0.57
2023/04/30 BLOG 4,290 0.003 0.00
2023/05/01 CCC 937 0.450 0.19
2023/05/03 PAY 200,000 0.020 0.01
2023/05/06 FOODIE 942 0.142 0.06
2023/12/31 PAY 67,846 0.015 0.01
2024/01/06 POB 70 0.743 0.26
2024/01/13 LOLZ 20 0.144 0.06
2024/01/13 HUG 101 0.030 0.01
2024/01/21 FOODIE 3,000 0.450 0.14
2024/01/26 POB 102 0.979 0.31
2024/02/02 ALIVE 17 0.340 0.10
2024/02/22 TIX 112,659 0.010 0.00
Total 406,309 6.402 $2.96

The second table shows the burn total.

CoinReceivedHIVE ValueUSD ValueBurned
HIVE 0.002 0.001 $0.00 0
HBD 1.438 0.000 $0.00 0
CENT 97.000 2.127 $0.92 614
CCC 15.123 1.163 $0.48 2,676
TIX 0.000 0.001 $0.00 114,137
PAL 0.000 0.093 $0.03 631
MEME 0.000 0.141 $0.06 1,104
FOODIE 0.000 0.381 $0.55 4,694
PAY 0.000 0.046 $0.01 278,484
BLOG 0.000 0.026 $0.01 4,290
POB 0.000 1.722 $0.57 172
LOLZ 6.000 0.144 $0.06 20
HUG 0.000 0.000 $0.00 101
ALIVE 0.000 0.340 $0.11 17
Total 119.563 6.186 2.80 406,940

Table in Markdown

| Coin | Burned | HIVE Value | USD Value |
| :--- | ---: | ---: | ---: |
| HIVE | 0 | 0.001 | $0.00 |
| HBD | 0 | 0.000 | $0.00 |
| CENT | 614 | 2.127 | $0.92 |
| CCC | 2,676 | 1.163 | $0.48 |
| TIX | 114,137 | 0.001 | $0.00 |
| PAL | 631 | 0.093 | $0.03 |
| MEME | 1,104 | 0.141 | $0.06 |
| FOODIE | 4,694 | 0.381 | $0.55 |
| PAY | 278,484 | 0.046 | $0.01 |
| BLOG | 4,290 | 0.026 | $0.01 |
| POB | 172 | 1.722 | $0.57 |
| LOLZ | 20 | 0.144 | $0.06 |
| HUG | 101 | 0.000 | $0.00 |
| ALIVE | 17 | 0.340 | $0.11 |
| Total | 406,940 | 6.186 | $2.80 |

My monthly recap shows the total coins in my other HIVE accounts.