copy right

i dream of the value of my words.
i place copyright marks in the
signatures of my e-mail.

the characters i type shoot through
cyberspace, on forums, in chat rooms.
they mingle with the white noise of common lives.

but i dream my words 
are part of greater context
stretching back to the beginning of time.

my dream words carry a deeper meaning,
a profounder depth, a higher value.
my dream words surpass the context of this forum.

i am embroiled in a conversation with the ancients
my learned intellect standing forth form
the humdrum of daily human existence.

i copyright my e-mails. to declare unto the world
that the ownership of the wisdom is mine.

NOTE: I wrote this after I read a forum message.
The message was basically a stream of profanity,
followed by a copyright mark.

Why would some-one put a copyright notice in a comment on a forum post?

Okay, I always thought is it strange when
a person puts a copyright in forum messages.
Especially when they are making inane 
comments, but I find the same desire
exists within me. I like to think
that what I am doing carries some deeper 
intrinsic value

-- not just white noise --.

Perhaps it is. When people
openly discuss our ideas, and explore new concepts
and ideals, they create value.
So live on. Never stop trying
to reach new heights. Don't worry too much
about the copyright thing. The value from your
work is the expansion of your own understanding.

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