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The Power of a SteemIt Ring

Give the gift of STEEM
and reap rewards of a SteemIt Ring.

SteemIt Guide - SteemIt Rings

One of the best ways to profit on SteemIt is to create a SteemIt ring. A ring is basically a social group where people read and upvote eachother's posts. (if you are looking for real metal rings, please visit

As the name implies, members of a SteemIt ring read and upvote the posts of other members in the group.

Personally, I have avoided forming or joining rings as the people in rings are actively curating. They are simply upvoting fellow members of the ring to get upvotes in return. However, I can't help but notice that the people who join and participate in rings do better than me.

Everything on SteemIt is determined by the size of one's wallet. The effectiveness of a ring is determined by the size of the wallets of the members in the ring. A ring of ten plankton accounts is not worth much. As I write this, the value of an upvote is worth $0.00038. The vote of ten accounts with 15 SP is worth only $0.0038. A 100% upvote from the entire ring would be wiped away as STEEM dust.

The dyanmics of a SteemIt ring is the same as the dynamics of an individual account. The dollar value of a vote is pretty much driven by the current price of Steem. It takes a little under $200 in STEEM POWER for a vote to be worth a penny. The price of STEEM, as I write, is $0.37. So you will want your SteemIt ring to have 800 to 1000 SP so that votes of the group are high enough to be over a two cents.

NOTE: Truly effective rings need ten of thousands of SP.