Record of Revisions - Alma Matterson

Date   Page   Description
3/20/1 Chapter 2 Added Mark Twain references, and the idea of Martin seeking the center while Alma seeks the Edge.
3/12/1 Chapter 9 Create & upload
3/11/1 Chapter 8 Create & upload
3/10/1 Chapter 7 Create & upload
3/9/1 Chapter 6 Create & upload.
3/8/1 Chapter 5 Create -- upload to themestream
3/7/1 Chapter 4 Create -- upload to themestream.
3/7/1 Chapter 3 Added the noble savage paragraph to the end of the section.
3/7/1 Chapter 0 Added that Alma skipped two grades.
3/6/1 Chapter 3 Create -- upload to themestream
3/5/1 Chapter 2 Create -- upload to themestream
3/4/1 Chapter 1 Create -- upload to themestream
3/3/1 Chapter 0 Create -- upload to themestream
3/2/1 Intro Create -- upload to themestream